Jeanne Bloch is a dance-tech artist, researcher and sustainability consultant pioneer based in France.
Her interactive installations, performances and academic research, presented in art and non-art places, engage with diverse audiences along the creation process. Her art-based research, “How Light Pollution Impacts Human Imagination”, includes collaborations with science labs, engineers and other artists. It engages participants through mindful body machine interactions and organic and tech matters to question the ethics of a decentralized and entangled world.
Jeanne explores how interdisciplinary collectives can best collaborate and produce purpose driven economical value using embodied knowledge and blockchain DAO and tokenization.
Jeanne Bloch is a founding member of Motion DAO. She has been an artist in residence at BCG (Boston Consulting Group), Ecole Polytechnique Paris - Chaire Arts et Sciences (2018-2020), as well as in different art-tech and dance venues (Centre National de la Danse, Gaité Lyrique-Paris, Dancetech-Berlin, 104-Paris, Le Shadok-Strasbourg, Stereolux-Nantes, Cité des Sciences - CN2-Paris). She was also invited as an artist- guest speaker and workshop leader at University of Michigan, Park City Mathematics Institute Seminar (USA), Théâtre de la Ville-Paris, Summer Lab-Imagine 2020 (EU funded, Portugal), Computing Human Interaction Conference (Canada and Italy), Ballet du Nord (France) as well as in other non artistic venues. Her work was awarded International Year of Light, 2015.
Jeanne holds an MFA from ESACM and a MBA equivalent from IEA. She completed with distinction a Practice Based Research online course from Stanford through NovoEd. She studied dance and choreography in NY and Paris.
Jeanne Bloch has been a sustainability advisor to global companies, cultural organizations and NGOs during 15 years.
- “Interactive Still Life”, Interactive Experiences, CHI Italy, Juillet 2021
- “Interactive Still Life”, interactive installation, "Être vivant : devenir machinique ?”, Nuit des Idées, Musée des Arts et Métiers, Chaire Arts et Sciences, 2020
- Data Materia Workshop artistic participation and which works have been presented during the conference Experimental Engagements in Science, Literature, and the Arts, Viewpoint Gallery, University of California, Irvine, 2019
- “The Temple Windows Were Askew!”, Interactive Installation, Strasbourg, Laboratoire d’Europe, Strasbourg Laboratoire de Demain” inter-museums exhibition, with support of Le Shadok, Strasbourg and le 104, Paris, 2018
- “Interactive Still Life”, Installation, Carrefour Numérique: Cité des sciences de la Villette, 2017
- “Dance performance + e-textile objects”, commissioned work, CETI - Centre of European Innovation Textile, Talons Aiguilles Fashion Show, Palais des Beaux Arts, Lille, 2016
- “Light Augmented by Flesh”, research performance, Stereolux, Nantes, 2015
- Site Specific Performance, conception - creation, Digitalarti 2015
- “Twice Out Of Paradise” dance performance, studio presentation at Centre National de la Danse, 2013
- “Light Augmented by Dance”, open studio, Salon des Refusés, Numa, 2011
- “The Man With a Dove”, performed at the Climate Change Summit, Copenhagen. Concept, artistic direction and text: Jeanne Bloch, with Fa’iz Marhami, performer, 2009
- “Naomad”, member and co-founder of improv collective performing in several art galeries and art centers: L’Onde, Mozinor, Les Salaisons, Paris 2009-2013
- Scenography for a dance performance, Festival Centroamericano de Teatro, El Salvador, 2001
- Dancer: “Paysage de Corps et de Nature”, Festival des Jardins de la Ville de Paris, 2008, “Maison de Femmes”, 2003, Choreography: Martha Rodezno
Contact Jeanne Bloch ︎